Setting the Record Straight

Charter schools are public schools.  Every single one of them.  They are one hundred percent tuition-free, and open to every student. What’s more, every teacher in a public charter is a highly qualified, state certified public school teacher.

Public charter schools are the most accountable in the state.  Michigan public charter schools are built to put the needs of students first, not the interests of the bureaucracy, and they face the state’s toughest accountability mandates to ensure they meet that standard.

Public charter schools are open to every student—because every child is worth it.  They are tuition-free and have no admissions test or special entrance requirements.  None.  They are prohibited by law from cherry picking students.

Public charter school strengthen the public school system by cutting through the bureaucracy to offer students a great public education at schools that put their needs first, so they’re ready for college and tomorrow’s economy.  

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