The Michigan Council of Charter School Authorizers (the “Council”) serves as a collaborative, non-profit, non-partisan professional organization that allows for sharing of issues, ideas, resources and best practices among all public charter school authorizers working in the state. The Council serves as the voice of the state’s public charter school authorizers.

Our Mission

Our mission is to advance public education and authorizing practices that foster excellence, choice, innovation, and accountability. We are governed by a ten-member board of directors, who hold a common vision and values and operate according to the following guiding principles:


Click the image above to learn more about the role of authorizers in Michigan

  • Choice is a necessary element in today’s system of public education.

  • Quality must remain the most central focus for authorizers, school operators, and policymakers alike.

  • Autonomy and innovation are essential to ensure the promise of Michigan’s public charter school movement and contribute to the success of K-12 education in general.

  • Accountability is crucial. Quantifiable, data-driven results must be achieved and supported at all levels of K-12 public education.

  • Public charter schools that fail to achieve adequate results pursuant to the terms of their charter contracts should face appropriate consequences, up to and including closure.

  • Authorizers have a responsibility to provide input, advocacy and support for public discourse on K-12 education issues.

  • Policymakers and authorizers alike must ensure appropriate levels of
    accountability and oversight for all Michigan schools.

Board Leadership

MCCSA board officers are:

  • Chair Corey Northrop, Central Michigan University

  • Vice Chair Mariah Wanic, Bay Mills Community College

  • Secretary Candice Casey, Saginaw Valley State University

  • Treasurer Judeen Bartos, Oakland University


Board Member Bios